Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 66

Dear family,

Wait, is it Labor Day? I`m just now thinking about this. Anyway, true sad story is actually that freaking today we came back to Anahi and it was awesome and #worthit, but also I had to sacrifice my email time for it. Soo i`m sry, but I gotta go in like 10 minutes :`( 

But we have changes tomorrow, so that`s crazy #pray4Holly. The most likely thing to happen would be me staying with Hna Torres on account of the white wash, but also I feel like she`s leaving, so we`ll see about that. Stay tuned.

Love you tons and tons! Things are good and I am good and life is good!


Hermana Ross

Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 65

Family! Hellooo. How are yoou? *Canadian accent* *jk it`s just my normal voice* *single tear*

Anyway, this week was so good! We had like the chillest zone conference I`ve ever had (learned about charity and repentance and stuff), followed by the super great baptisms of Sara and Ruth Baez. Seriously, so good. The branch really came through for us this time. There was cake and everything. And for some reason like all of our zone showed up as well, so there was lots of support. Just a really good time.

And yesterday I had one of the best contacts I`ve had on the whole mission. We were just walking around semi-lost in one hecka field-ish part of our area when we were like, "well, I guess we`ll just head back to the main road?" And then we were like, "Well, we`ll contact one more house I guess." So we clap at this house and this 20somethingyear girl walks out and I just contact her pretty typically, but I notice she has a thick Argentine accent, so we start talking about that (obvs I talked about Colin #typical), and she starts opening up to us a bit. And she starts saying how much she`s been searching for the truth, but she just can`t seem to find it. And she almost literally quoted the Bible the way she was talking about how she just couldn`t seem to find the spiritual food to satisfy her spiritual hunger. I seriously just felt the spirit so strongly. Anyway, we are going back tomorrow, so wish us luck! 

Seriously this has just been such a good change. Like all in all probably my best. I can`t believe it`s already the last week before changes. I just feel way happy and balanced and supes blessed. So grateful.

Anyway, I had a #LDSconf quote I was going to include, but I left my notebook at home!          :( Next week, next week.

Love you sooo much!!!
Hermana Ross

With Familia Baez

Ruth y Sara

Pre baptism

Post Baptism


The zone knew

Monday, May 16, 2016



It was soooo good to talk to you. Rly tho, the best. Worth the wait #familiesareforever. Anyway, this week was really good! I was doing much better health-wise, and the area is looking way up now that we don´t get lost every .5 seconds. Even though we did get lost today for like three hours trying to get to lunch in AsunciĆ³n haha. But that´s in the past.

I just want to share with you three tender mercies the Lord has given me in regards to contacting this past week. Contacting has honestly become something I´ve grown to love, but not gonna lie, it was an uphill battle. "140 a week" has been drilled into my head from day one, but I´m finally starting to actually understand it #betterlatethannever. Anyway, these are them:

1. We were walking past these two ladies on the way to district meeting (in a bit of a hurry) and the thought crossed my mind to talk to them, but I was like "naw, we´re in a rush and they don´t look interested" but then I was like "naw, I gotta do it anyway." So we talked to them for a bit (they turned out to be sisters) and they weren´t really interested, but we shared a bit of the plan of salvation and I said something super basic, like "I know families can be eternal" or something like that, and one of the ladies just starts crying and is like, "Today is actually the 11th anniversary of our mom´s death. I´ve been missing her a lot lately and especially today, and I just really want to thank you for stopping to talk to us." So my non-inspiration turned out to be inspiration after all #thewillofGod

2. It was pretty late one night and we were going to head home, but we still had a few minutes left until it was time to go in, so we were like "uhh, I guess we´ll contact." TBH, there´s not a lot to do close to our apartment. So we go and talk to this lady waiting for a collectivo, and she is way nice and stuff, even though she´s obviously not interested. So we talk to her for a bit, and her collectivo isn´t coming, and it´s getting pretty late. And then this drunk guy comes and starts harassing her/us for like 10 minutes, so we just walk her down the street and wait until her collectivo comes. And as she got on she was like, "Thank you girls so much. The Lord sent you as my angels tonight to watch over me." <3 2 presh

3. So we have these pass along cards that have the questions of the soul on them (ex: How can I find peace and happiness? How can I have a family that is happy and united? How can I become a better person? Why am I here on the earth? etc.) So we pass out a lottttt of these, and we hardly ever know if the people visit the website/actually think about the questions, etc. But there was this lady we contacted named Nadia, and we gave her one of the cards that said, "How can I learn from the trials of life?" And then we went back a few days later to over by where she lived, a lesson fell through, and we decided to see if she was home. When we clapped at her door, she proceeded to invite us into her house and tell her literally her whole life story. And she was crying and told us "I´ve been thinking about that card you guys left with me for days. I just looked and looked at the question and really want to learn more." WOAH. So we had a boss lesson with her and SHE WENT TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY! Seriously, miracle.

So pretty much I have a testimony of contacting big time, and I know there are people prepared to receive the gospel.

This Saturday Ruth and Sara are going to get baptized, and I´m so stoked! They are so pure and humble and honestly just really prepared. I´ll send the pictures next week.

Love you soooo much!! I´m doing so dang well and am enjoying life big time. I just feel so happy all the time, f´realz #blessed

Have a super awesome week. Wish me luck with #zoneconference this week

Con amor,
Hermana Ross

Holly post hospital visit, feeling so much better!
SKYPEEEEE <3 Let´s do it again real soon lolz


w/ a stuffed animal. Jk, it´s a real dog

last week´s Itaugau missionary krew


Elder Pickering´s birthday. We went to TGIFridays, and I haven´t felt so American in months

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 63

Note:  We waited to hear from Holly for our semi-annual phone call with bated breath, and it was even more anticipated as Mother's Day was doubly exciting for us as it was also Colin's 18th birthday.  But alas, after waiting around for a long while, with no call coming in...we finally heard from a former companion of hers who kindly let us know that Holly was in the hospital and unable to call.  She had another bad bout with kidney stone pain  last week and had to be hospitalized, but apparently she was released and we've scheduled our make up call for tomorrow.  So at least we got a note today, as I wasn't expecting one.

Dearest Family,

Well, as we are skyping tomorrow and also you pretty much already know what`s been happening, this email will be V short. Also on account of the fact that I can`t think super well. Post IV lyfe.

Alright, summary: So this week is pretty well summed up by my #kidneystone. Hurt like a mother, wasn`t passing, had to go to the hospital, got admitted to the hospital, they gave me IVs and it was traumatic but I didn`t cry (much mature. so adult.) Then the pain passed after like 24 hrs of that, but then they wanted more blood tests, yada yada, I went back to the hospital today, but now it`s looking like I`m free. Although I still have two more kidney stones, wtfreak. But it`s been interesting to deal with a physical health trial, on account of I`ve never really had one of those. And it`s a whole other kind of hard. But I`m grateful that Heavenly Father is giving me SO MANY WAYS to understand the atonement better. See Alma 7:11-12:

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
Like, he suffered pains and afflictions and temptations of EVERY kind. So I guess at some point we all, in our personal Gethsemanes, need to pass through a large variety of those same pains and afflictions and temptations. To grow closer to the Savior and to tie our hearts to His on a more personal and need-based level.
In other news, we have a family we are teaching, Family Baez, who are going to be baptized on May 21. They are by far the most prepared family I have ever found on the mission, and they sit and listen attentively and answer perfectly and are just so ready to join the church. So more to come on them next week. We weren`t able to go to church yesterday on account of we were in the hospital, but the elders called us to let us know the whole family went :´) 
Ok, love you so much!!! 2 stoked to talk to you tomorrow! 4 realz this time #knockonwood
Love, Hermana Ross
She still has 2 more stones to pass...maybe in Paraguay, maybe not.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 62


Well, this week was really quality! So good! Now that I´m not quite as stressed out by the NEWNESS of the white wash, I´ve been able to enjoy the area/my comp/the mission in general more. I couldn´t tell you why it´s taken me so long to reach this point of #tranquility, but either way, I´m there now!! Just 2 chill. I feel like I could be a missionary forever. 

There were lots of good moments, good people, and feeling of the spirit. Sry this is dang short, but we had to go to the office today to change our phone (every time anyone calls it says "unknown number", so we always answer and are like "Hola! Con quien hablo?") So we got sick of that and went to go change our phone and it took ALL DAY. And we still freaking have the old phone #officeprobz. But hopefully in the next week or two they´ll resolve that... 

But yeah, I´m doing well. We had the baptisms of Juan Gabriel and Mia this past Saturday, so that was great as well. Like all of the recent converts in this rama are kids. So that´s been interesting, but a good time #momskillz #lyfeskillz

Love you so much!! Stoked to talk with you on Sunday!!!!!!!
HBD, ColinBoo! "I´m an adult!"


Hermana Ross

Hna Torres and I adopted #whenthemonkeybecomesfamily


Lolz, so the office elders tried to guilt trip Hermana Pisco about contact cards and was like, "Hermana, these are the tithes of the widows." And we left and she was feeling all guilt-tripped, and I was like, "Listen Hermana, there´s a significantly greater chance that these are the tithes of Brandon Flower. Just keep on contacting." So she put this on her wall to keep up her animos hahaha


#dinnerdate #rooftopparties #missionarylyfe

moar funz