Well, first things first. Today I had to go back to the doctor on account of my last kidney stone is passing. Let`s just get this thing over with already, yeah? Yeah. So I`m real short on time. TBH I`m not sure how Colin writes so much in so little time, cause I`m a pretty dang fast typer #2 humble, but I STILL can`t write that much in such a short amount of time. Impressed.
This week was good! Can`t believe the change is over/I`m probably getting a new companion tomorrow. Time with Hna Torres has slowly flown!!! I`ve been doing a lot of reflecting on the mission this week on account of Baby Colin Boo is starting, and two of my best friends ever, Tessa and Hna Lundberg, are BOTH FINISHING. I can`t believe it! Like, literally I remember preparing for the mish with Tessa and NOW SHE`S DONE. Like, what the heck? How did that even happen? And I met Hna Lundberg when we were both in our training, and we were comps over 8 months ago. And today was literally the last time I`ll see her (for another month lolz #obessiveprobz). But anyway, I`ve just been thinking about how grateful I am for the mission, everything I`ve learned, and all the experiences I`ve had. And don`t worry, you`ll be getting some good reflections on that in the coming weeks. But yeah, I`m just grateful for la obra misional.
I am doing really well and am super excited for the home stretch! It`s a super sweet spot of enjoying where I`m at but also being excited for the future. I just feel really happy like all the time.
Love you so much!!!!
Hermana Ross